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FSPID Employee of the Year for 2010 Marvin Whyte (right) with Marlon Osbourne (first runner-up) and Mishka Townsend Brown (second runner-up).

FSPID staff members voted Mr. Marvin Whyte as the Employee of the Year for 2010. Mr. Whyte was presented with this award at the FSPID’s Annual Awards Function on Wednesday, December 15, 2010. Marlon Osbourne and Mishka Townsend Brown (the employee of the year for 2007) were the first runner-up and second runner-up respectively.

Mr. Whyte joined the FSPID staff as a technical assistant in February 2004. Technical assistant functions include assisting FSPID inspectors in conducting pest control operations. Having impressed as a technical assistant, Mr. Whyte was thrust into a totally different role as an accounting clerk. Mr. Whyte acted in that post on several occasions and took up the post full time in October 2009

1. What was your first impression of the FSPID?

Marvin Whyte (MW): Wow! So many different laboratories.

2. How do you compare being a technical assistant with being an accounting clerk?

MW: There is not much of a comparison really as the activities are totally different. Technical assistant work is labour intensive while accounting is mental. But I love both positions.

3. What motivates you from day to day?

MW: My mother, Dapheny Wellington. She’s now retired and does everything for me so I try to do everything I can for her.

4. What would you say is your greatest challenge on the job?

MW: Well, for this year (2010) it was coping with uncertainty of job security.

5. How do you feel being voted the FSPID’s Employee of the Year for 2010?

MW: It feels great to know I’m appreciated by my co-workers.

6. Any plans for the future?

MW: Yes. I'm finishing an accounting course at MIND (Management Institute for National Development).

7. Do you have any words of encouragement to other members of staff?

MW: Remember that we rise together and we fall together.

8. What is your wish for FSPID?

MW: For us to continue working together even when we don’t share the same opinions or ideas and, no matter what, we’ll rise above personal feelings and get the job done.


Past Employees of the Year

2010: Marvin Whyte

2009: Hugh Haughton

2008: Tamara Morrison

2007: Mishka townsend-Brown

2005: Charles Dawkins

2004: Charles Dawkins
Current Employee of the Year 2011

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