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Mrs. Townsend Brown (right) receives her award from Mr. Roy McNeil, the Chief Food Storage Officer

Mrs. Mishka Townsend Brown was voted the FSPID’s Employee of the Year for 2007 at the FSPID Awards Dinner on Wednesday, December 19, 2008. She has been serving as the FSPID’s Office Manager from December 2005. Since then she has impressed all with her strong work ethic, her dedication to whatever tasks she is assigned and her ability to get along well with her colleagues.

1. Where were you before coming to the FSPID?
Mishka Townsend Brown: I attended the University of the West Indies where I completed a B.Sc. degree in Management Studies/Social Policy and Administration.

2. What was your first impression at the FSPID?
MTB: My first impression of the FSPID was that it is a great place to work because employees seemed motivated to do their job, and were willing and helpful in making me feel comfortable and adjusted to the new environment in my first few days. I also had the impression that the FSPID was more than just an organization but was a family where each member was valued.

3. What motivates you from day to day?
MTB: Well, being an Office Manager my duty is to manage and ensure the smooth operations of the FSPID. Almost every day I encounter a problem that needs to be resolved. Every time I complete a task or solve a problem I receive a rush of motivation, not because of the resolution itself but because staff members and my boss show appreciation, so that is what motivates me from day to day.

4. What is your work ethic?
MTB: My work ethic is that my sole purpose is to cater to the needs of the organization to which I am employed by being positive, reliable, determined, inventive and diligent. In catering to the needs of the FSPID, I try to work as hard as possible by going beyond the call of duty and trying to accomplish as much as I can each day.

5. What would you say is your greatest challenge on the job?
MTB: The greatest challenge is making decisions that are favourable to everyone. Sometimes I find that a decision has to be made that suits the organization but may not be accepted by staff members. A simple example is that I may decide to purchase what would be considered common generic pens as opposed to stylish ones; persons might consider my decision as being cheap. My decision, however, may have been based on the budgetary constraints of the FSPID. So I guess my biggest challenge is providing a comfortable work environment for staff members by purchasing equipment that will enhance their productivity on the job but at the same time taking into consideration the financial constraints of the FSPID.

6. How do you feel being voted the FSPID’s Employee of the Year for 2007?
MTB: I was very surprised that I was voted Employee of the Year. I was elated when I received my award and felt very honoured that my co-workers voted for me. I felt a deep sense of appreciation and it echoed in my mind as it does from time to time because I feel so happy working at the FSPID that “I never want to leave this place”

7. Any plans for the future?
MTB: Well on the professional level, next year I plan to start my Masters in Public Administration. At work I plan to continue to work hard, increase my contribution towards the FSPID Social Committee especially in its Outreach Programme by volunteering more of my time.

8. Do you have any words of encouragement to other members of staff?
MTB: We should continue to work together and be motivated in what we do which is an invaluable service that contributes to Jamaica by ensuring that all food and feed entering commerce is safe for consumption. In particular, it is important for the Administrative staff of which I am a part, for them to know that although we may not be the ones going out on the road performing inspections, we are valued by the organization as our role is integral, whether its writing inspection reports by secretaries, overseeing public expenditure by the accounts section, providing a clean working environment by the ancillary staff etc, we all are interconnected in our roles and serve to provide for the proper functioning of the FSPID.

9. What is your wish for FSPID?
MTB: Well my wish is that we continue to grow as an organization and that we continue to achieve our mandate/mission.

10. How does it feel to be a mother? (Mrs. Townsend Brown gave birth to a beautiful girl, Alaina, on Tuesday, January 1, 2008)?
MTB: It’s a wonderful feeling, knowing that I created a new life.


Past Employees of the Year

2010: Marvin Whyte

2009: Hugh Haughton

2008: Tamara Morrison

2007: Mishka Townsend-Brown

2005: Charles Dawkins

2004: Charles Dawkins
Current Employee of the Year 2011

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