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Food Storage Inspector Charles Dawkins was voted the FSPID’s Employee of the Year for 2004. He was presented with the FSPID’s first such award at their Christmas dinner held at the Terra Nova Hotel on December 15, 2004.

Inspector Dawkins was born on August 13, 1973 in Linstead, St. Catherine and attended Dinthill Technical High School and the College of Agriculture, Science & Education. Before his tenure at the FSPID he worked in the United Estates Ltd. laboratory in Bog Walk for six months analyzing juices and concentrates. He also worked with the Jamaica Library Service as a librarian. His hobbies include playing football.

1. When did you start working at the FSPID?
Charles Dawkins: I began working at the FSPID in January 1998. I had applied to the Office of the Services Commission and was sent to the FSPID. Prior to this, I was not aware of the FSPID’s existence.

2. Where was your first posting and how long did it last?
CD: I worked in the Microbiology Laboratory for one year as an Assistant Food Storage Scientist.

3. What made you decide to become an inspector?
CD: The post became available in 1999. I thought I could make a contribution so I applied.

4. What was your first impression?
 The work was challenging and some of this was due in part to my not having my own means of transportation. I would take the bus, taxis or walk to perform my functions. I purchased a car in 2001.

5. What motivates you from day to day?
: Getting the job done motivates me. I feel satisfied when, after visiting a food establishment, I make recommendations and they are implemented and result in dramatic improvements. I enjoy being a Food Storage Inspector.

6. What is your work ethic?
 The only way that I want to do anything is in the correct way. This guides me in all aspects of life.

7. What would you say is your greatest challenge on the job?
 The general public – and even some food establishments - is not as aware of the functions of the FSPID as should be the case. This sometimes results in persons asking if the FSPID is newly established even though we’ve been in existence since 1958.

8. How do you feel being voted the FSPID’s Employee of the Year for 2004?
 This was not something I was aspiring to but I appreciate the recognition for my work.

9. What are your plans for the future?
 I plan to continue doing things as I know how, improve my educational qualifications and do my best to contribute to the welfare of humanity.

10. Do you have any words of encouragement to other members of staff?
 Keep up the fight. And as I always say, anything that needs to be done, do it properly.

11. What is your wish for FSPID?
CD: I hope that FSPID will become better known across Jamaica. We must continue striving to ensure that the nation’s food supply is safe and wholesome.


Past Employees of the Year

2010: Marvin Whyte

2009: Hugh Haughton

2008: Tamara Morrison

2007: Mishka Townsend-Brown

2005: Charles Dawkins

2004: Charles Dawkins
Current Employee of the Year 2011

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