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(under section 8)

The Food Storage and Prevention of Infestation Regulations, 1973



(under section 8)


(Made by the Minister on the 17th day of December, 1973)
PART I - Preliminary

1. These Regulations may be cited as the Food Storage and Prevention of Infestation Regulations,

2. In these Regulations unless the context otherwise requires –
(a) the expressions –

“authorized” means authorized by the Chief Food Storage Officer;
“Chief Food Storage Officer” means the person for the time being in charge of the operations of the Division;
“disinfestation” means the prevention, mitigation or eradication of infestation;
“Division” means the Storage and Infestation Division of the Ministry responsible for the time being for the administration of the Act;
“operator” means a person licensed as such in accordance with regulation 14;
“rodent-proofing” in relation to any premises, space or thing means the rendering or maintaining of those premises or that space or thing impervious to rodents;
“substance” means anything used or to be used for the purposes of disinfestation;
(b) a reference by number to a form is a reference to the form so numbered in the Fifth Schedule; and 
(c) a reference to place includes a reference to vehicle.

PART II - Storage

3. – (1) Stacks of food in containers which are not waterproof shall rest upon dunnage which consists either of members not less than four inches in height so arranged that no part of any container in the bottom layer of the stack touches the floor or ground, or of material known to be waterproof which has been approved by the Chief Food Storage Officer as being suitable for this purpose.

(2) Stacks of food in containers shall be clear of –
(a) all walls by at least two feet;
(b) all vertical columns and all buttresses by at least one foot;
(c) all ceilings by at least four feet; and
(d) all horizontal girders by at least two feet.

(3) Except as otherwise provided by these Regulations an inspector may require that any food not contained in a container shall be so heaped upon satisfactory dunnage that it is –
(a) not in contact with any wall, buttress, column or roof support;
(b) not in direct contact with the floor or ground.

(4) This regulation shall not apply with respect to bins, silos or any other structure designed and used for bulk storage nor with respect to vehicles designed or adapted for the carrying of articles in bulk.
(5) In this regulation the expression –
“clear of” when used in any provision in relation to a surface of a stack means that general line or level of such surface is to be distant from the specified object by the distance specified in that provision, and that no individual container is to approach such object to a point distant from that object less than three-fourths of such specified distance;
“dunnage” means any material or thing laid on the floor or ground as a base for a stack or heap of food in order to protect that food from the transmission of moisture through the floor or ground or from any dirt or other contamination;
“satisfactory” in relation to any dunnage means that the Chief Food Storage Officer is satisfied that that dunnage fulfils or is capable of fulfilling the particular purpose for which it is used or required.

PART III – Buildings

4. – (1) Any building used for the manufacture or storage of food, or in which food is kept for sale, shall be of sound construction and shall be maintained in sound condition. The fabric of walls (other than partition walls) and the roof shall be weather-proof, and floors shall be impermeable;
and all interior wall surfaces and floors shall be so finished as to provide a reasonably smooth surface, shall be maintained in good condition, and shall be free from open cracks, crevices, holes or any other conditions of disrepair, whether similar to the foregoing or not, such as might induce
rodents, insects or mites to harbour therein.

(2) In any building in which food is kept for sale, stored, or manufactured, all interior surfaces shall be completely cleaned once in every year or at such more frequent intervals as may be necessary and shall be maintained in a clean condition, and may be required to be whitewashed or repainted so often as the Chief Food Storage Officer thinks necessary.

(3) In any building in which any article to which the Act applies is kept for sale or stored, all open spaces between the junction of a wall and the roof shall, where other adequate means of ventilation exist or can be created, be permanently and completely blocked.
(4) In any such building as is specified in paragraph (2) any openings for ventilation shall be covered on the outside with quarter inch mesh wire and shall either –
(a) be fitted with adjustable valves or louvres; or
(b) be fitted on the inside with hinged shutters having retaining bolts; or
(c) be provided with some other form of fitted draught-proof covers capable of being firmly attached to the openings from the inside.
5. The provisions of the First Schedule shall apply to buildings in which any article to which the Act applies is kept for sale, stored, or manufactured, and to buildings intended to be used for any such purpose.

PART IV – Disinfestation – General Provisions

6. All containers in which food has been packed, stored, or kept, and which are not destroyed immediately after use, shall forthwith be properly cleaned and if necessary disinfested. Such destruction, cleaning and disinfestation shall be carried out in such manner and within such time as the Chief Food Storage Officer may determine.

7. Any person who but for this regulation would be required by section 7 of the Act to give notice of infestation to the Minister shall be exempt from the requirements imposed by that section if but only if –
(a) where he proposes himself to carry out or cause to be carried out any disinfestation involving the use of any substance, he gives notice to the Chief Food Storage Officer of the substances and methods to be used, and the Chief Food Storage Officer is satisfied that the methods and substances proposed to be used are adequate;
(b) where he proposes to employ an operator for the purposes of remedying infestation in any premises, vehicle or article to which the Act applies, he gives notice to the Chief Food Storage Officer of the name and address of the operator to be employed.
8. – (1) Where at any time any place in which food is or is likely to be kept for sale, stored or manufactured, or any vehicle in which food is carried, or any food, is treated with any of the substances specified in Parts I, II, III and IV of the Second Schedule, the owner or person in
charge of the treated place, vehicle or food shall keep a record of the treatment, and shall produce all such records for inspection if so required by an inspector.
(2) Where any treatment –
(a) is carried out by the owner or person in charge of the place, vehicle or food, he shall make and keep a record including the following particulars –
(i) information identifying the treated place, vehicle or food;
(ii) the name of the substance used;
(iii) the method and rate of application;
(iv) in the case of a fumigant, the dosage rate, the period of duration of the fumigation, and the method of fumigation (that is to say, whether under gas-proof sheets, or in a gas-tight chamber or as a general fumigation of a building or part of a building);
(v) the date of the treatment;

(b) is carried out by an operator who is not the owner or person in charge as foresaid in accordance with his licence, the record provided by that operator pursuant to paragraph 14 of the third Schedule shall be sufficient.

PART V – Use of Toxic Substances

9. Subject to the provisions of regulations 10, 11 and 12 –
(a) substances other than those specified in Parts I and II of the Second Schedule shall not be used for direct application to food, or for application to permeable containers holding food, or for any kind of treatment which could result in the formation of a deposit of the substance on the surface of any exposed food or any food in permeable
containers; and
(b) substances other than those specified in Parts I, II, III, and IV of the said Second Schedule shall not be used for any purpose or in any circumstances in premises where food is or is likely to be kept for sale, stored or manufactured.
10. No person other than operators or persons employed to and working under the direct supervision of such operators shall use any of the substances referred to in sub-paragraphs (a), (b)
(c) and (d) for any such purpose or in any such manner or place as is therein respectively specified; and any such substance shall be used only in accordance with the licence granted to the operator concerned and subject to any relevant provisions of these Regulations –
(a) substances specified in Part V of the Second Schedule, for the treatment of food or for application to the surfaces of unlined or otherwise unprotected cloth sacks or bags or other permeable bags or packages containing food;
(b) substances specified in Part VI of the Second Schedule, for the treatment of food, or in any place where food is kept for sale, stored or manufactured;
(c) substances specified in Part VII of the Second Schedule, for the disinfestation of any premises in which food is kept for sale, stored or manufactured;
(d) substances specified in Part VIII of the Second Schedule, for use in any place wherein food is kept for sale, stored or manufactured, for such purposes and in such manner as to ensure that no food which is exposed or is contained in a permeable container comes in contact with any such substance itself, or with surfaces to which any such substance has been applied, or with surfaces which for any other reason are or could be
contaminated with any such substance.
11. Every operator –
(a) shall comply with the requirements specified in the Third Schedule;
(b) shall provide all necessary equipment and facilities for any of his employees engaged in disinfestation;
(c) shall require such employees to use equipment and facilities provided and to comply with all other relevant requirements specified in that Schedule; and
(d) shall bring that Schedule to the notice of such employees.
12. Any person whose business consists of the manufacture, storage or keeping of food and who undertakes in the course of that business to handle or apply substances as permitted by the foregoing regulations of this Part shall comply with the relevant requirements specified in the
Third Schedule; and any employee of such person who in the course of his employment is required to handle or apply substances shall be provided by his employer with any protective equipment (including protective clothing) and any facilities specified in the said Schedule
appropriate to the substances which he is required to handle or apply, and shall be required by his employer to use the equipment and facilities provided.
13. Compliance with the require ments of the Third Schedule means, for the purposes of regulations 11 and 12, compliance to the satisfaction of the Chief Food Storage Officer.
14. - (1) Every person responsible for the carrying out of any disinfestation involving the use of any substance specified in Parts V, VI, VII and VIII of the Second Schedule, in any place where food is kept for sale, stored or manufactured or in any place which is, or is likely to be, used for keeping for sale, storing or manufacturing food, shall hold a licence from the Chief Food Storage Officer in accordance with the Fourth Schedule authorizing him, subject to the provisions of this
Part and to the conditions specified in the licence, to carry out such work himself or by a servant or agent acting on his behalf.
(2) The following provisions shall have effect in relation to a licence under this regulation –
(a) the person named in the licence as the operator shall be responsible for compliance with the Act and these Regulations in accordance with the terms of the licence;
(b) the licence shall specify the types of disinfestation which the operator therein named is entitled to carry out on his own or by a servant or agent acting on his behalf and under his supervision;
(c) any person named in the licence as an operator may carry out in accordance with the licence the treatments therein respectively specified;
(d) a person shall not be licensed as an operator unless he satisfies the Chief Food Storage Officer that he possesses the qualifications specified in the Fourth Schedule for carrying out operations of the type or types stipulated in that licence; or, in the case of an organization, that it has in its employment a person or persons who possess the specified qualifications;
(e) the granting of a licence in any particular case shall notwithstanding the foregoing provisions be in the discretion of the Chief Food Storage Officer;
(f) any licence granted under this regulation may be withdrawn by the Chief Food Storage Officer if he is satisfied that –
(i) in any particular case, the operator has failed to comply with the
relevant provisions of the Act and these Regulations or of any
conditions imposed by the licence;
(ii) in the case of an organization licensed as an operator, it no longer has
in its employment a person or persons who possess the necessary
(g) subject to sub-paragraph (f) of this paragraph, a licence granted under this regulation shall continue in force indefinitely.
(3) It shall be deemed to be a condition of every such licence as aforesaid that the holder thereof shall comply with all relevant provisions of these Regulations.

PART VI – Notices, directions, etc.

15. Except where otherwise specifically provided in this Part, any notice or direction required by the Act or these Regulations to be given shall be in writing and shall be signed by the person giving such notice or direction.
16. - (1) Service of any such notice or direction may be made by delivery of a true copy thereof to the person to whom it is addressed, or by leaving such a copy at his usual or last-known place of abode or business, or, where addressed to the owner or person in charge of any premises or place then to some adult person or in such premises or place, or, if there be no such person on or in such premises or place who can be so served, then by affixing such copy to some conspicuous part of the premises or place, or to the article to which the notice or direction relates:
Provided that any such notice or direction may in any case of urgency be given orally in the first instance to the person concerned; but an oral notice or direction shall be of no effect unless the person giving it duly serves a notice in writing as soon as practicable thereafter; and any time limited by such a notice in writing may therein be expressed as commencing on the date on which the oral notice or direction was given.
(2) Any notice or other document required by the Act or these Regulations to be served on or given to the Minister shall be addressed to the Chief Food Storage Officer and shall, subject to the provisions of paragraph (4), be deemed to be duly served or given if delivered or sent by post to that Officer at the offices of the Division or if delivered to an inspector in person:
Provided that such notice may in any case of urgency be sent by telegraph addressed as aforesaid, but a notice so sent shall be of no effect unless the person giving it duly serves a notice in writing as soon as practicable thereafter; and any time limited by such a notice in writing may be expressed as commencing on the date on which the notice was given by telegraph.
(3) Any notice, direction or other document required or authorized by the Act or these Regulations to be served on the owner or person in charge of any place or article to which the Act applies may be addressed to the “owner” or “person in charge” of the place or article in question without further name or description, so, however, that the place or
article shall be clearly identifiable.
(4) The date of the service of any notice, direction or other document required or authorized to be served by or under the Act or these Regulations shall be the date of the delivery thereof or, where the postal service is employed, the date of the relevant postmark.

PART VII – Inspection

17. Every inspector shall retain a copy of every notice and of all directions given by him under the Act of these Regulations.
18. A certificate of appointment furnished under subsection (4) of section 4 of the Act shall be in Form No. 1.
19. - (1) Where an inspector proposes to seize and detain any article under subsection (1) of section 4 of the Act or pursuant to subsection (2) of section 5 thereof –
(a) he may detain the article or container in which the article is placed by
attaching a numbered detention tag in Form No. 2 to the article or, where the article consists of more than one package, to any one such package;
(b) immediately after attaching such detention tag the inspector shall serve upon the owner or person in charge of the article or container a notice of detention in Form No. 3;
(c) where the article or container so tagged is, on the authority of the inspector removed for treatment required for the purposes of the Act the inspector shall serve upon the owner or person in charge a notice of removal in Form No. 4;
(d) upon release of any detained article or container the inspector shall deliver or post to the owner or person in charge of the article or container a notice of release in Form No. 5.
(2) Where an inspector gives to any person directions for prevention or
mitigation of an infestation pursuant to subsection (1) of section 4 or subsection (2) of section 5 of the Act, he shall serve on such a person a notice in Form No. 6 specifying details of the work to be carried out.
(3) Food for human consumption which has been seized and detained or
condemned under the Act shall not be disposed of except after consultation with the Medical Officer (Health) for the parish or district in which the food then is; but such food may, in order that the increase or spread of infestation may be prevented, be disinfested in accordance with these Regulations.
20. An inspector may, with the written authority of the Chief Food Storage Officer, take photographs of any part of any place or vehicle entered by such inspector under subsection (1) of section 4 of the Act or pursuant to subsection (2) of section 5 thereof.

A written authority given by the Chief Food Storage Officer under paragraph (1) may relate to the taking of photographs on one particular occasion or generally. 21. An inspector taking a sample of any article for analysis shall, after obtaining a sufficient quantity of the article, notify the owner thereof or the person from whom such quantity was obtained of his intention to submit a sample thereof to an analyst for analysis or examination, and –
(a) where, in the opinion of the inspector, division of the quantity obtained would not interfere with analysis or examination, he –
(i) shall divide the quantity into three parts;
(ii) shall identify the three parts as the owner’s part, the sample, and the
duplicate sample;
(iii) shall so seal each part that it cannot be opened without breaking the
seal; and (iv) shall deliver the part identified as the owner’s part to the owner or the person from whom the sample was obtained, and shall forward the sample to an analyst for analysis or examination, and shall retain the duplicate sample;
(b) where, in the opinion of the inspector, division of the quantity obtained would interfere with analysis or examination, he –
(i) shall identify the entire quantity as the sample;
(ii) shall so seal the sample that it cannot be opened without breaking the
seal; and (iii) shall forward the sample to an analyst for analysis or examination;
(c) where at the time when the sample is obtained the owner or person from whom it is obtained objects to the procedure followed by an inspector under either of the foregoing subparagraphs, then, if the owner or person from whom the sample was obtained supplies a sufficient quantity of the article, the inspector shall follow the procedures specified in both those subparagraphs.

FIRST SCHEDULE (Regulation 5)


In this Schedule – the expression “rodent-proofing” in relation to any building includes –
(a) the proper closing or protection with rodent-proofing materials of all
openings in the roof, the exterior walls and elsewhere throughout the
(b) the installation of all such material in such a manner as to exclude rodents;
the expression “openings” means any openings in the foundations, outer walls, ground floor, basement or roof, and includes chimneys, eaves, grills, windows, vents, vent-pipes, ventilators, grating in footpaths, elevators, and space around any pipe, wire or other installation connected with a building and which rodents might enter.


1. – (1) All plans, sections, elevations, and specifications for construction, repair, remodelling, or any other structural alterations to building to which this Schedule applies shall be in accordance with the
building regulations of the local authority in which such buildings are situated or such proposed buildings are to be constructed.
(2) For the purposes of this Schedule the local authority in respect of the parishes of Kingston and St. Andrew shall be the Council of the Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation as constituted under the Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation Act, and in respect of any other parish, the Parish Council of that parish as constituted under the Parish Councils Act.

2. - (1) Where any of the materials hereinafter referred to is specified in relation to any building, that material shall be at least as heavy as the gauge respectively specified hereinafter, that is to say –
(a) perforated sheet metal 18 gauge (Standard wire gauge)
(b) wire gauze 19 gauge ( Standard wire gauge )
(c) expanded metal 18 gauge ( Standard wire gauge )
(d) sheet metal 24 gauge ( Standard wire gauge)
(2) Perforated or expanded metal, or wire gauze, used for rodent-proofing shall be such, or shall be
so used, that the openings in the mesh are not greater than one-quarter inch, however measured.

3. - (a) Where foundations walls do not extend more than 2 feet 4 inches below the ground level, a concrete curtain wall shall be provided (unless the foundation are seated directly on hard rock) which shall extend 2 feet 4 inches below ground level and shall have an exterior lip projecting at least 12 inches and at least 4 inches thick.
(b) Buildings erected on piers shall either have a clearance of at least 24 inches at every point between the underside of the lowest floor and the surface of the ground, or shall have the space under the lowest floor enclosed by a continuous screen of wire gauze or perforated or expanded metal of the gauge and dimensions required by sub-paragraph (c)(viii) of paragraph 14. 

Loading Platforms
4. – (1) Where loading platforms are apart from a building, their supports shall not be boxed in and there shall be a clearance of at least 24 inches between the underside of the platform and the surface of the ground, or the space length beneath the platform shall be enclosed as required by sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 3.
(2) Loading platforms which are part of a building shall as the circumstances may require comply with the requirements of sub-paragraph (a) or (b) of paragraph 3.

Enclosed Spaces between Upper Ceilings and Roofs
5. Enclosed spaces between upper ceilings and roofs shall be rodent-proofed and shall also be easily accessible for inspection by way of a trap-door or similar means. If the walls are not built up between ceiling
joists and rafters, the ceiling boards (or attic floor boards) shall be protected by continuous sheet metal flashing, extending at least 6 inches inwards from the edge of the floor or ceiling, downwards from the edge
between the joists or rafters, and turned in 2 inches into the wall.

6. - (1) Unless external walls are built up by concreting to the level of the underside of the roof, the junction between the roofs and walls shall be rodent-proofed by the use of continuous metal flashing, so, however, that such metal flashing shall be turned in at least 2 inches under the roof plate and shall extend at least 6 inches along the underside of the roof.
(2) Where there are enclosed eave spaces all gnawing edges at the eaves shall be flashed with continuous metal sheeting, and such spaces shall be completely rodent-proofed.
(3) Any opening for ventilation in the eaves shall be continuously protected by hardware cloth or expanded metal so that no openings are greater than one-quarter inch.

Parapet Walls
7. Parapet walls shall be rodent-proofed by the use of metal flashing which shall enter the parapet wall at a distance of at least 6 inches above the roof cap, extend at least 2 inches into the parapet wall and shall extend at least 6 inches along the roof away from the parapet wall.
Underground Tunnels, Multiple Basements
8. Where the basement in a building is connected with any underground tunnels or multiple basements, all necessary openings shall be completely rodent-proofed.

Foundation Vents
9. Foundation vents shall be covered for their entire length and width with metal grills metal gratings, or perforated sheet metal and openings shall not be greater than one-quarter inch, however measured.


Floor Drain Plates
10. Floor drains and all other drains shall be fitted with grind plates installed so that no openings are greater than one-quarter inch.

Exterior doors
11. All exterior doors shall fit to within one-quarter inch at the top, bottom, and sides and, where constructed of wood, shall be fitted with metal kick-plates at least 12 inches high and wooden door frames shall be similarly protected. All rolling, sliding or curtain doors shall have continuous double guides at the sides and bottoms and all exterior doors other than the main loading or unloading doors of warehouses shall be
fitted with automatic closing devices.

Meter Boxes
12. Meter Boxes shall be constructed in such manner that rodents cannot enter a building by following the outside of the service lines.
13. All windows capable of being opened shall be covered with metal framed hardware cloth screens or tight-fitting metal screens if –
(a) the window sill is less than 3 feet above ground level or the level of any adjacent structure;
(b) there are or are likely to be trees or shrubbery nearby;
(c) there is any roof or ledge of any building within 8 feet of the window sill, measured in a horizontal direction;
(d) there are service wires nearby;
(e) there are any other possible ways by which rodents could reach the window; except that in cases covered by sub-paragraphs (d) and (e) rodent guards adequate to prevent the passage of rodents along these routes may be provided as an alternative.

Rodent Guards
14. Where rodent guards are used for preventing the passage of rodents along cables, wires or the outside of pipes –
(a) such guards shall not be used on high voltage wires or cables;
(b) all other electrical wires shall be adequately insulated from such guards; and
(c) such guards shall conform to the following specifications, that is to say –
(i) cone, half-cone, barrel and collar guards shall be of metal steel of 24 gauge or heavier, and flat guards shall be of sheet metal at least as heavy as 26 gauge;
(ii) half-cone guards may be used on vertical pipes or wires running along wall surfaces but shall be at least 12 inches from base to apex, and at the base shall stand out at least 9 inches from the pipe or wire. The apex shall fit to within one-quarter inch of the pipe or wire, and
the sides, where attached to the wall, shall fit tightly against the surface of the wall;
(iii) cone guards may be used on a horizontal pipe or wire at the point at which the pipe or wire meets the wall but shall stand out at least 18 inches from the pipe or wire, and shall fit at the apex to within one-quarter inch of the pipe or wire;
(iv) cylindrical (otherwise known as “barrel”) guards may be used on pipes or wires running vertically along a wall surface but shall be at least 18 inches long, and shall stand out at least 9 inches from the pipe or wire, and shall be closed at the top to within one-quarter inch
of the pipe or wire;
(v) flat guards may be fitted to pipes smaller than 1 inch in diameter or wires running vertically on a wall surface but shall be at least 18 inches high and shall fit to within onequarter inch of the pipe or wire, and shall extend at least 18 inches on either side of the pipe or wire, which extensions shall fit tightly against the wall and be fastened to it by nails,
bolts or screws along top and bottom edges only; 
(vi) flat guards may be fitted to a pipe smaller than 1 inch in diameter or wire running horizontally on a wall surface but shall extend at least 24 inches along the pipe or wire, and shall fit to within one-quarter inch of the pipe or wire, and shall extend at least 18 inches on either side of the pipe or wire, which extensions shall fit tightly against the wall and be fastened to it by nails, bolts or screws along vertical edges only;
(vii) where collar guards are used for rodent-proofing holes in floors or walls through which pipes, cables or wires pass, such guards shall extend outwards at least 18 inches from the pipes, cables or wires, and shall fit at the neck to within one quarter inch of the pipes, cables or wires, and shall be securely fastened tightly against the floor or wall; and
(viii) where perforated screens are used to exclude rodents, such screens shall be constructed of expanded or perforated metal or of wire gauze of the required gauge respectively, and shall be such, or shall be so used, that perforations or openings in the screen do not exceed one-quarter inch, however measured.

Exhaust fan openings
15. All exhaust fans openings that can be reached by rodents shall be protected by the use of wire gauze screening having openings not greater than one-quarter inch, however measured or by movable louvres that close automatically when the fan ceases operation.

Fire escapes
16. Fire escapes of the swinging type shall terminate at least 3 feet above the surface of the ground.

Mail Slots
17. Where any mail slot is wider than one-quarter inch, a hinged spring cover shall be installed.

Water and sewer vent stacks
18. Water and sewer vent stacks shall extend at least 3 feet vertically above the nearest building projection or shall be capped with wire gauze having a mesh not wider than one-quarter inch, however measured.
Skylights, trapdoors and ventilators
19. Skylights and trapdoors shall fit snugly into a rabbeted or rebated frame, which shall be constructed of metal or be metal-covered. Adjustable skylights which can be opened for ventilation and ventilators shall be screened with perforated or expanded metal or wire gauze having a mesh not greater than one-quarter inch, however measured.

Utility Ducting
20. All openings into utility ducts shall be completely rodent-proofed.

Cellular pillars and columns
21. Openings into cellular pillar and columns shall be completely rodent-proofed.

Insulated, boxed and structural beams
22. Insulated, boxed and structural beams shall have a sheathing material of an approved rodentproof character, installed in a continuous and unbroken manner.

Ventilation systems
23. Particular care shall be exercised to rodent-proof completely all openings into necessary enclosed spaces in ventilation systems.
Refrigerators and Refrigerated rooms
24. Refrigerators and built-in refrigerator units shall be devoid of unnecessary enclosed and partially enclosed spaces accessible to rodents. This requirement may be satisfied in relation to built-in refrigerator units by placing them tightly against the walls, and installing them in a solid concrete base, or by completely encasing them with metal walls and installing them in a solid concrete base, or by completely encasing them with metal flashing strips; and where the tops of
such units do not extend to the ceiling, such tops shall be rodent-proofed.

Shelves and other fixtures
25. – (1) Shelves and fixtures shall consist of rodent-proofed material or be devoid of boxed-in spaces, and fixtures, if of metal and of the enclosed type, shall be fitted tightly against the adjoining walls and floors.
(2) Counters and display fixtures shall be devoid of enclosed spaces either by being elevated twelve inches above the floor, or by being installed in rodent-proof sanitary bases.

Partition walls
26. Whenever possible, partition walls shall be solid and where any double-cased wooden partition wall is used, the bottom of the wall shall be protected by a continuous sheet metal flashing extending across the bottom and for at least 6 inches up either side and the top of the wall, and all exposed corners and edges shall be similarly protected.

Opening for service pipes, etc 
27. – (1) Any openings made in external walls, double walls, floors or ceilings for the passage of pipes, wires or other service lines shall be closed by –
(a) the installation of approved metal collars securely fastened to the adjoining structure; or
(b) building in the pipes, wires or other service lines with cement mortar.
(2) Where metal hot water pipes, or other pipes subject to marked expansion and contraction are built in as under sub-paragraph (1)(b), they shall be enclosed, where they pass through the wall, floor or ceiling, in metal sleeves allowing a clearance not exceeding one-quarter inch.

28. Concrete thresholds of all exterior doors shall be hardened with a granolithic or similar finish to reduce wear.

External service wires or pipes
29. Underground piping shall be used wherever possible to bring all service lines into buildings and wires or pipes attached to the outside of buildings must be fitted with satisfactory rodent guards.

30. Wharves shall be rodent-proofed and conform to the general requirements of this Schedule and all possible rodent runways under a wharf (including piers or columns standing on ground or in water) shall where practicable be rodent proofed.

Rodent-proofing under buildings erected on piers
31. Each pipe, cable, wire, conduit, or other pipe or wire utility service passing through a wooden floor shall be protected by the installation of a collar of unbroken sheet metal of the dimensions required by sub-paragraph (c)(viii) of paragraph 14 which shall be securely fastened to the floor. All other openings in wooden ground floors through which rodents could enter double walls or the interior of the building (such as openings in floors and double walls above floor sills) shall be closed with unbroken sheet metal or with concrete or masonry, Penthouses
32. Penthouses and all other openings in a roof shall be rodent-proofed in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this Schedule.

SECOND SCHEDULE (Regulations 9 and 19)


Methyl bromide
Ethylene dibromide
Ethylene dichloride
Ethylene oxide
Carbon tetrachloride
Hydrogen cyanide
Sulphur dioxide
Carbon bisulphide
Mixtures containing any of the substances specified in this Part


Lindane Pyrethrins and synergised pyrethrins


Silica-based sorptive dusts


Blood anti-coagulants
Red Squill
Barium carbonate
Zinc phosphide
Sodium Fluoroacetate (“1080”)
Thallium sulphate
Alpha naphthyl thiourea (“Antu”)
Mixtures containing any of the substances specified in this Part


Permitted Use
Lindane: (a) The treatment of raw whole grains or pulses, at
application rates leaving a total active residue not
exceeding [2.5] parts per million by weight; or
(b) as a space treatment (where all food present during the
treatment is covered or enclosed) applied by means of a
proprietary brand of thermal smoke-generator in strict
accordance with the directions of the manufacturers.
Malathion: The treatment of raw whole grains, pulses or oilseeds, at application rates leaving a total active residue not exceeding 10 parts per million by weight.


Methyl bromide
Ethylene dibromide
Carbon bisulphide
Hydrogen cyanide
Mixtures containing any of the substances specified in this Part


Arsenic or Arsenicals
Zinc phosphide
Sodium Fluoroacetate (“1080”)
Thallium Sulphate
Alpha naphthyl thiourea (“Antu”)
Mixtures containing any of the substances specified in this Part





THIRD SCHEDULE (Regulations 11, 12 and 13)



1. In this Schedule unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions relating to articles of protective clothing have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them -
“approved” means approved in writing by the Chief Food Storage Officer;
“clothing” includes gloves and headgear;
“dust-mask” means a filtering apparatus of a type that –
(a) is so designed as to eliminate so far as practicable the risk of pollution, by liquid or solid particles containing a specified substance, of the air breathed by the person wearing it; and
(b) has been approved for that purpose;
“eye-shield” means a shield so designed as to protect the eyes from being splashed by a specified substance;
“face-shield” means a shield covering the whole of the forehead and face, so designed as to protect the forehead and face from being splashed by a specified substance;
“gloves” means gloves or gauntlets completely covering the hands and wrists;
“light organic vapour mask” means a filtering apparatus of a type that –
(a) is so designed as to eliminate so far as practicable the risk of pollution by liquid or solid particles containing a specified substance or by the vapour of specified organic insecticides (other than fumigants) of the air breathed by the person wearing it; and
(b) has been approved for that purpose;
“overall” means an overall having fastenings at the neck and wrists and covering all clothing other than headgear, boots and gloves;
“respirator” means a filtering apparatus of a type that –
(a) is so designed as to eliminate so far as practicable the risk of pollution by gas or liquid or solid particles containing a specified substance, of the air breathed by the person wearing it; and
(b) has been approved for that purpose;
“rubber” includes synthetic rubber, oilskin and other substances or materials impermeable in the circumstances in which they are used to liquids and gases;
“specified substances” means any substance specified in the second Schedule or any mixture which contains any of the substances specified in Parts I, III and IV of that Schedule.


Use of Protective Clothing
2. All workers engaged in the operations specified in column I of sub-paragraph (3) of paragraph 3
of this Schedule (hereinafter called specified operations) shall be provided with the protective clothing so respectively specified in column II (in this Schedule referred to as appropriate clothing), 
and shall wear the appropriate clothing during the specified operation and all other persons present in the area in which the operation is being carried out shall be similarly protected. Persons not similarly protected shall be forbidden to enter that area.
Provisions and Maintenance of Protective Clothing
3. – (1) An employer of a worker who carries out specified operations shall –
(a) provide the worker with the appropriate clothing and, where such clothing includes a respirator or dust-mask, shall provide an adequate supply of filters for the replacement of those used;
(b) maintain or cause to be maintained all appropriate clothing in a serviceable condition; and
(c) provide accommodation for the keeping of –
(i) appropriate clothing; and
(ii) the worker’s personal clothing not worn during working hours.
(2) The accommodation provided under sub-paragraph (1)(c) shall be such as to ensure ventilation and that the worker’s personal clothing does not become contaminated by a specified substance whether from appropriate clothing or otherwise.
(3) During the specified operations, there shall be used the appropriate clothing, in accordance with the directions so respectively specified –

Column I

Specified operations

(a) spraying, other than aerosol spraying using any substance specified in Parts II and VIII of the Second Schedule

Column II

Appropriate Clothing

(i) in a large room or part of a building or in the open (i) an eye-shield or face shield; an overall; gloves; and rubber or other washable boots, shoes or overshoes;
(ii) in a confined space (ii) as (i) of this column and, in addition, a light organic vapour mask or a respirator fitted with an
appropriate canister.
Directions. The appropriate clothing shall be worn throughout all parts of the operation during
which the operator may be exp osed in any way to contact with particles of the spray;
(b) aerosol spraying (fogging or misting) using any substance specified in Parts II full-face respirator fitted with an appropriate
and VIII of the Second Schedule -

(b) either a full-face light organic vapour mask or full-face respirator fitted with an appropriate canister, or a light organic vapour mask covering nose and mouth (or respirator with similar face
piece) together with close-fitting goggles, an overall, gloves and headgear.
Directions. The appropriate clothing shall be worn throughout all parts of the operation (including the settling or ventilation period)
during which the operator could inhale or otherwise come into contact with the fog or mist;

(c) application of any insecticidal dust by means of a mechanical dust-blower - (c) a dust-mask, an overall.
Directions. The appropriate clothing shall be worn whenever the dust is applied in such a way
or under such conditions that the operator could inhale or otherwise come into contact with the dust-cloud produced by the dust-blower;
(d) use of smoke generators - (d) an approved light organic vapour mask or respirator.
Directions. The appropriate clothing shall be carried and used where necessary during the process of igniting the generators and at any other time during which the operator could inhale anything produced by the generator;
(e) handling insecticide concentrates - (e) rubber gloves, an overall, rubber or washable boots, shoes or overshoes, scoops for water
dispersible powders.
Directions. The appropriate clothing shall be worn at all times during the opening of containers
or while transferring the contents of one container to another, or during any other operation involving any chance of the concentrate being spilled or coming into contact with the hands or clothing of the operator;
(f) fumigation using any substance specified in Part I of the Second Schedule if used in such a way or under such conditions that there is danger of the operator being exposed to harmful concentrations of the gas –
(i) persons engaging in the liberation of gas from containers or in the introduction of The gas by any other method (such as the handling and setting out of solid tablets which generate gas or the spreading or pumping of granular formulations which generate gas) (i) a respirator fitted with an appropriate canister, an overall.
Directions. Respirators shall be worn at all times unless the person in charge of the operation is satisfied that there is no risk of inhalation of dangerous concentrations of the gas;
(ii) persons engaging in the unsealing or opening of fumigated chambers or rooms or in the removal of gas-proof sheeting from fumigated stacks - (ii) a respirator fitted with an appropriate canister.
Directions. Respirators shall be worn at all times unless the person in charge of the operation is satisfied that there is no risk of inhalation of dangerous concentrations of the gas.

Provision of Washing Facilities

4.–(1) The employer of a worker who carries out specified operations –
(a) shall, at a place which is conveniently accessible but is outside the area in which the worker might be in danger of poisoning by any specified substance used by him, provide adequate and suitable washing facilities including soap and clean towels and either a supply of piped water or clean water in containers (clearly marked “Personal washing only”) for the personal use of the worker;
(b) shall require each of his workers to make appropriate use of the washing facilities provided and in particular to wash the whole body at the end of each working day in which the worker has been engaged in work which involves the handling or application of specified substances and for which the worker is required by this Schedule to wear overalls;
(c) shall provide a supply of wholesome drinking water, clean drinking vessels and suitable facilities for keeping any food or drink intended for the workers’ consumption free from risk of contamination by a specified substance;
(d) shall (except where a supply of piped water is available) provide clean water in a container for the washing or cleaning of the protective clothing (other than overalls, hoods, respirators, or dust-masks) which the worker has worn;
(e) shall at the end of each day’s operations cause to be washed with water (or where appropriate with water and a suitable detergent) all protective clothing (other than overalls, hoods, respirators, or dust-masks) which the worker has worn during the day’s operations in connection with the use of a specified substance and shall as respects –
(i) rubber gloves, cause the insides as well as the outsides to be so washed;
(ii) respirators and dust-masks, cause them to be both cleaned and ventilated;
(f) so far as it is practicable to do so, shall keep the exterior of all spraying apparatus, tanks and containers which contain or have contained a specified substance, free from contamination by any such substance;
(g) shall keep securely closed or covered the openings of all tanks or containers in which a specified substance is stored when not in use; and
(h) shall cause every overall which has been worn in connection with the use of a substance specified in Part IX of the Second Schedule to be dry-cleaned at least once every six days in which it has been so worn and also whenever by reason of the presence of stains of such substance thereon there are reasonable grounds for apprehending that a worker may be in danger of poisoning.
(2) For the purpose of sub-paragraph (1) (a), in considering whether a place is conveniently accessible account may be taken of any transport provided for workers at appropriate times; and in considering whether washing facilities are adequate and suitable at any time and place regard shall be had to the number of workers for whom such facilities are required at that time and place.

Miscellaneous prohibitions and obligations relating to workers
5.–(1) A worker who carries out specified operations shall not -
(a) whether for the purpose of removing any obstruction or otherwise, at any time blow, suck or apply his mouth to any jet, sprinkler, nozzle or other spraying apparatus which contains or has contained a specified substance;
(b) make use for the washing of protective clothing, of any container marked “Personal washing only”;
(c) use otherwise than for drinking any drinking vessel provided by his employer;
(d) eat, drink, or smoke unless he has removed all appropriate clothing (other than any overall or rubber boots), has washed his hands and face, and is outside an area in which he might be poisoned by any specified substance that has been, is being or is about to be used, or by any appropriate clothing that has been worn in connection with the use of a specified substance.
(2) A worker who carries out specified operations shall –
(a) deposit his personal clothing not worn during working hours in the accommodation provided for that purpose by his employer in accordance with sub-paragraph 3(1)(c)(ii); and
(b) at the end of each day’s operations forthwith –
(i) remove all appropriate clothing worn by him and deposit it in the accommodation provided under sub-paragraph 3(1)(c)(i); and
(ii) wash his hands, face and neck.

6. – (1) An employer shall maintain or cause to be maintained in good and serviceable condition all apparatus provided by him for use in connection with the carrying out of specified operations, and all such apparatus shall be so designed as to avoid, as far as possible, injury to workers whether arising from the accidental spillage of liquids or some other cause.
(2) An employer shall not cause or permit a worker to and a worker shall not repair any spraying apparatus that has been, is being or is about to be used for spraying until it has been emptied and washed out.
(3) The foregoing paragraph shall not apply to repairs carried out in the course of spraying by a worker wearing the appropriate clothing.

Keeping of a register
7.–(1) An employer shall keep a register containing particulars of –
(a) the name and address of every worker employed by him who carries out specified operations;
(b) the number of hours worked on such operations by any such worker on each day;
(c) the specified substances in connection with which the worker has worked as aforesaid;
(d) any matters which the employer is required to notify to the Chief Food Storage Officer in accordance with these Regulations; and
(e) any matters required to be entered in the register as a condition of granting a certificate of exemption as provided in paragraph 13 of Schedule.
(2) An employer shall give to a worker who ceases to be employed by him a copy of any particulars contained in the register kept by the employer in accordance with this Schedule, so far as such particulars relate to that worker during the last six months of his employment, and the worker, if he proposes to carry out specified operations on behalf of any other employer at any time within six months of so ceasing to be employed, shall give to that other employer any such copy as

Restrictions on hours of work
8. An employer shall not cause or permit a worker to work, and a worker shall not work, on specified operations for more than –
(a) ten hours on any day;
(b) sixty hours in any period of seven consecutive days; or
(c) one hundred and twenty hours in any period of twenty-one consecutive days.
Notification of sickness
9. If at any time an employer has reasonable grounds to apprehend that a worker is suffering from poisoning from a specified substance, the employer shall forthwith notify the Chief Food Storage Officer thereof.

Medical Examination
10. Employers shall provide for medical examination at least twice in each year (or more frequently if so directed by the Chief Food Storage Officer) of all workers engaged in specified operations, and shall provide for such examination in any such case as is referred to in the foregoing paragraph.

Training and supervision of workers
11. – (1) An employer shall not cause or permit a worker to work on specified operations unless the worker has been thoroughly trained in the precautions to be observed and is under adequate supervision.
(2) Nothing in the foregoing sub-paragraph shall release a worker from any obligation or prohibition imposed on him by or under the Act.

Employment of juveniles
12. A person under the age of 18 years shall not in any circumstances be employed to work on specified operations.

Certificates of exemption
13. – (1) If the employer of a worker satisfies the Chief Food Storage Officer that –
(a) any of the provisions of the foregoing requirements could reasonably be dispensed with if alternative precautions were observed for the protection of the worker from the risk of poisoning by a specified substance; or
(b) by reason of exceptional circumstances, or of the small extent of the operations carried out, or for any other reason, any of the provisions of these requirements are unnecessary for the protection of a worker, and the Chief Food Storage Officer certifies accordingly, then the employer and the worker to whom the certificate applies shall be exempt from such of the provisions of those equirements as are specified in the certificate.
(2) Any such certificate shall specify the conditions (if any) subject to which the employer and the worker are to be exempted as aforesaid, and so long as the certificate remains in force the employer and the worker shall comply with those conditions.
(3) Any such certificate may at any time be revoked by notice in writing to the person to whom it was granted.


General: Records of treatments with certain substances
Duty of operator

14. In every case where any food is treated with any of the substances in Parts I, II, III and IV of the Second Schedule (being substances which may be used by licensed operators only) it shall be the duty of the person responsible for the execution of the treatment –
(i) to give to the owner or person in charge of the food a written notice giving the following details of the treatment -
(a) information identifying the place, or vehicle concerned and the food treated;
(b) the name of the substance used;
(c) the method and rate of application;
(d) in the case of a fumigant, the dosage rate, the period of duration of the fumigation, and the method of fumigation (that is to say, whether under gas-proof sheets, or in a gas-tight chamber, or as a general fumigation of a building or part of a building);
(e) the date of the treatment; and
(ii) to keep among his own records a true copy of that notice and to produce that copy and all such records, if so required by an inspector.
Treatment of food by fumigation with any fumigant
15. – (1) Any person responsible for the execution of any such treatment shall cause a warning notice in an approved form –
(i) specifying the fumigant used;
(ii) bearing the name and address of the operator; and
(iii) bearing any other addresses and telephone numbers at or by means of which the operator may be found,
to be conspicuously displayed throughout the treatment and until the fumigated space and any surrounding or adjacent enclosed space is sufficiently clear of the fumigant as to permit persons not wearing gas-masks to enter such space without danger to them.
(2) It shall be the further duty of the person responsible for the execution of any such treatment to take all other reasonable precautions to prevent danger to other persons and particular (but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing words) to –
(a) provide himself or his operators with an approved apparatus for the detection of low concentrations of the fumigant in air, and before declaring the area to be clear of gas, to use such apparatus to confirm that concentrations fall below recognized safety limits;
(b) maintain a responsible guard or guards (of whom one at least shall be a person ordinarily employed by the operator concerned) at the site of the fumigation throughout the fumigation period and until the fumigated space is sufficiently clear of the fumigant to permit persons not wearing gas-masks to enter without danger to them:
Provided that exemption from this requirement may be granted on the following conditions –
(i) in the case of a fumigation in a building or part of a building, if and when the building or part of the building in which the treatment is carried out is closed and locked against entry;
(ii) in the case of fumigation under gas-proof sheets in the open air, if the area in which the fumigation is carried out is surrounded by any kind of locked or guarded enclosure forming an effective barrier to access to the area;

(c) inform the owner or person in charge of the fumigated premises or commodity that until the operator concerned has notified the owner or person in charge that it is safe to do so –
(i) fumigated premises ought not to be entered (except by persons equipped with effective gas-masks) either during the fumigation period or after the fumigation; and
(ii) a fumigated commodity ought not to be moved or handled (except by persons
equipped with effective gas-masks).
Treatment by fogging or misting of places or vehicles in which food is present
16. – (1) Except where the active pesticidal ingredient is pyrethrin alone or a mixture of pyrethrin with piperronyl-butoxide or any other synergist which does not increase the mammalian toxicity of the mixture such a treatment shall not be carried out in any place or vehicle in which any food is exposed to the treatment, other than raw unprocessed cereal grains or food contained in closelywoven
jute sacks or in other containers not more permeable than such sacks.
(2) Except where the substance used is pyrethrin alone or synergised pyrethrin as provided above, the treatment shall be carried out as a space treatment and not as a surface treatment, and in particular the fog or mist-spray shall not be directed from a distance of less than 10 feet at the surface of any stack or heap of food (other than food in completely impermeable containers).
(3) Where malathion is used by means of mechanical mist generators for these treatments, the dosage rate per 10,000 cu. ft. of free space shall not exceed in any week one pint of a 2½ % solution.
(4) The application rate for any mixture shall not exceed 1 gallon per 40,000 cu. ft. of free space unless the mixture contains at least 50% non-inflammable additives.
(5) The operator responsible for carrying out the treatment shall take steps to ensure that no person unless equipped with the appropriate clothing enters the treated building or place until –
(a) a period of twelve hours has elapsed since the treatment was carried out; or
(b) the treated building or place has been thoroughly ventilated for at least one hour; and where thermal fog generators are used, shall ensure that during the treatment and until the fog has settled or dispersed approved warning notices are conspicuously displayed outside any treated place or vehicle, stating the nature of the treatment and that the treatment may result in visible leakage of the fog.
Insecticidal Smoke Generators
17. In the use of insecticidal smoke generators in accordance with these Regulations, the following precautions shall be observed –
(a) generators shall not be used at dosage rates higher than those recommended by the manufacturers;
(b) all safety precautions recommended by the manufacturers shall be observed;
(c) food shall not be permitted to be present during the treatment unless protected by being in a closed container or by being completely under a covering, and such container or covering to be not more permeable than closely-woven sack-cloth;
(d) during the treatment and until the smoke has settled or dispersed, approved warning notices shall be conspicuously displayed outside any treated place or vehicle, stating the nature of the treatment and that the treatment may result in visible leakage of smoke;

FOURTH SCHEDULE (Regulation 14)

Licences Authorizing Operators to carry out Certain Disinfestation Treatments

1. Any person named as an operator in any licence specified in this Schedule is empowered, subject to the Act and these Regulations, to carry out, by himself or by a servant or agent on his behalf in or upon any place where any article to which the Act applies is kept for sale, stored or manufactured, any treatment specified in the relevant licence and, except as otherwise provided by these Regulations, no other treatment.
2. The licence specified in column (1) of this paragraph shall empower the holders thereof respectively to carry out all or any of the treatments specified in column (2) of this paragraph.

Designation and nature of licence
Particulars of operations authorized
A – Authorized operator, for
fumigation, spraying, misting,
fogging and rodent-baiting
(a) fumigation of empty buildings or vehicles, or of buildings or vehicles containing food or other infested material;
(b) fumigation of food or other infested material in a specially designed fumigation plant approved by the Chief Food Storage Officer;
(c) fumigation of food under gas-proof sheets;
(d) fumigation of grain in storage bins:
Provided that the treatments specified in paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) above may be carried out, as specified in the licence, with any one or
more than one of the following fumigants –
(i) methyl bromide or non-inflammable
mixtures containing methyl bromide;
(ii) hydrogen cyanide;
(iii) phosphine;
(iv) non-inflammable mixtures containing carbon bisulphide;
(v) carbon tetrachloride, ethylene dichloride or mixture of these, (except that neither phosphine nor carbon bisulphide shall be used for the purposes specified at (a) above);
(e) fumigation of parts of buildings or vehicles, or enclosed machinery (such as mill machinery) with fumigants containing ethylene dibromide, so, however, that all food other than unavoidable small residues shall be cleared from the part or parts of the building and any machinery to be
treated prior to such fumigation;
(f) treatment of food contained in unlined and unprotected cloth bags or sacks or other similarly permeable containers with any of the following
contact insecticides -
(i) lindane;
(ii) malathion;
(iii) pyrethrins and synergised pyrethrins;
(g) treatment of buildings, places or vehicles in which food is or is likely to be kept for sale or stored or manufactured, with any of the
insecticides specified at (f) above, applied as a thermally-generated fog or mechanicallygenerated mist-spray;
(h) rodent-baiting treatments involving the use of any rodenticide listed in Part IV of the Second Schedule if specified in the licence, or any of the following rodenticides -
(i) arsenicals;
(ii) blood anti-coagulants;
(iii) zinc phosphide;
(iv) phosphorus pastes;
B – Authorized operator - fumigation (General) (a) fumigation of empty buildings or vehicles containing food or other infested material;
(b) fumigation of food or other infested material in a specially designed plant approved by the Chief Food Storage Officer;
(c) fumigation of food under gas-proof sheets;
(d) fumigation of grain in storage bins:
Provided that the treatments specified at (a), (b), (c) and (d) immediately above may be carried out with any one or more than one of the following fumigants as specified in the licence
(so, however, that neither phosphine nor carbon bisulphide shall be used for the purposes specified at (a) above) –
(i) methyl bromide or non-inflammable
mixtures containing methyl bromide;(ii) hydrogen cyanide;
(iii) phosphine
(iv) non-inflammable mixtures containing
carbon bisulphide;
(v) carbon tetrachloride and ethylene
dichloride or mixtures of these;
C – Authorized operator - fumigation in special plant fumigation of food or other infested material in a
specially designed plant approved by the Chief
Food Storage Officer, with any one or more than
one of the following fumigants –
(a) methyl bromide or non-inflammable
mixtures containing methyl bromide;
(b) hydrogen cyanide;
(c) non-inflammable mixtures containing
carbon bisulphide;
(d) carbon tetrachloride and ethylene
dichloride or mixture of these;
D – Authorized operator - fumigation under gas-proof sheets fumigation of food or other infested material
under gas-proof sheets with any one or more than
one of the following fumigants –
(a) methyl bromide;
(b) hydrogen cyanide;
(c) phosphine;
(d) carbon tetrachloride and ethylene
dichloride or mixture of these;
E – Authorized operator
fumigation in grain bins
fumigation of cereal grain in bins or silos stand-
ing in the open air with any one or more than one
of the following fumigants –
(a) methyl bromide or non-inflammable
mixtures containing methyl bromide;
(b) hydrogen cyanide;
(c) non-inflammable mixtures containing
carbon bisulphide;
(d) phosphine;
(e) carbon tetrachloride and ethylene
dichloride or mixture of these;
F – Authorized operator – spraying, dusting, misting, and fogging of
food or buildings or both
(a) treatment of food contained in unlined and un-
protected cloth bags or sacks or similar perme-
able containers with any of the following contact
insecticides –
(i) lindane;
(ii) malathion;
(iii) pyrethrins and synergised pyrethrins;
(b) treatment of buildings, places or vehicles in
which food is or is likely to be kept for sale or stored or manufactured, with any of the
substances at (a) above, applied as a thermally generated fog or mechanically-generated mistspray;
G – Authorized operator - rodent-baiting rodent baiting treatments employing any of the
following substances (or any other listed in Part
IV of the Second Schedule if specified in the
licence) –
(a) arsenicals;
(b) zinc phosphide;
(c) phosphorus pastes;
(d) blood anti-coagulants.

3. – (1) The minimum qualifications required of applicants for the licences above respectively referred to, or of persons to be named in the licences as operators shall be as follows –

(a) Licence A:

(i) a science degree obtained at a university approved by the Minister, and a subsequent period of special training including practical experience; or
(ii) a special diploma or other certificate granted by an institution approved by the Minister and a period of twelve months’ practical experience; or
(iii) a period of training not shorter than eighteen months with a commercial organization;
(b) Licence B: Extensive experience of a wide variety of fumigation work with any specified fumigant, obtained during a period not shorter than eighteen months;
(c) Licence C: Seven days’ detailed instruction in the operation of the particular plant, including two complete fumigations;
(d) Licence D: Not less than three months’ practical experience, including participation in at least twelve fumigations under gas-proof sheets, and technical instruction for not less than fourteen days, the precise period depending upon the previous training of applicants;
(e) Licence E: Instruction in the use of any fumigant specified in the licence, and two complete fumigations;
(f) Licence F: Seven days’ intensive training in the use of spraying equipment, and an additional like period of detailed instruction in the principles underlying the safe use of insecticides on food; and
(g) Licence G: Not less than three months’ practical experience, or a training period not shorter than one month, including detailed instruction in the use of a variety of rodenticides.
(2) A licence shall not be granted to any person who fails to satisfy the Chief Food Storage Officer that he has derived sufficient knowledge and understanding from his experience or training.

FORM NO. 1 (Regulation 18)

Certificate of Appointment

This certifies that Mr. ………………………………………………………………………..
has been appointed, pursuant to section 3 of the Food Storage and Prevention of Infestation Act, as
an Inspector having the following powers
…………………………………………… …………………………………………

Signature of Inspector
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Marketing and



FORM NO. 2 (Regulation 19(1)(a) )

Tag No.:

Held under the authority of the Food Storage and Prevention of Infestation Act.


FORM NO. 3 (Regulation 19(1)(b) )

Name of Owner/Occupier…………………………………………………………………
You are hereby notified that the ……………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………….…… is / are held by the virtue of the
powers in me vested under the Food Storage and Prevention of Infestation Act, under
Detention Tag No……………………….

Reason for detention……………………………………………………….……………….
You are hereby forbidden to move or cause or allow the detained article(s) to be moved
until you have the written authority of a duly authorized Inspector.

Acknowledged by

FORM NO. 4 (Regulation 19(1)(c) )

Name of Owner/Occupier……………………………………………………………………………
Address …………………………………………………………………Parish……...…………….

........................ You are hereby notified that the undermentioned article, detained under the Food
Storage and Prevention of Infestation Act (Detention Tag No. ………………….) has
been/will be removed for treatment pursuant to that Act and subject to the relevant
regulations made under that Act.

Detained article: ……………………………………
Notice issued by

FORM NO. 5 (Regulation 19 (1) (d) )

To:………………………………………… Address………………………………...…….
With reference to the
which was / were placed under detention on……………………………………………….
by Inspector……………………………………………………………….………………...
at …………………………Parish…………………….…… Date…………………………
You are hereby notified that the article/s is/are hereby released.

Detention Tag No. ……………….


FORM NO. 6 (Regulation 19 (2) )

Take notice that you are hereby directed to…….…………………..………………….…
at premises situated at…………………………………………………….……………...…
in the parish of……………………………………………………..……………….……....
within…………………………………… days from the date of your being served with
this notice.
Failure to comply with the foregoing direction will constitute an offence under the Act.

Dated this………………………..……day of……………………..………….19………...


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