What does the term “infestation” mean?
“Infestation” means the presence of fungi, insects, arachnids, rodents or other animals in numbers, which involve an immediate or potential risk of loss or damage to or contamination of food, and includes all other pests so identified as being capable of causing infestation
Are cats allowed to be used to control rats and mice in food establishments?
No, cats are not an acceptable means of deterring or controlling rats or mice. Cats themselves may carry disease-causing fleas and other organisms on their bodies. They may also contaminate food with their hair, faeces and urine.
May food be stored on the floor?
If the container is waterproof then food may be stored on the floor. If not, food must be stored on pallets raised 10 cm off the ground.
If there is a space constraint in a food storage area may food be stacked against walls?
No, food must be stacked clear of all walls by at the least 60cm. This is to allow for:
(i) proper cleaning;
(ii) proper inspection; and
(iii) prevention of contamination.
What are the building requirements for the proper storage of food?
Under section 4(i) of the FSPI Regulations, any place where food is kept must be of sound construction. Roofs must be weatherproof and the floor impermeable. Walls must be smooth, light in colour, free from cracks and crevices and cleaned regularly. All openings for ventilation must be covered with ¼ inch mesh strong enough to prevent rodent gnawing.
May all pesticides registered in the island be used in food areas?
No, FSPID has an approved list of active ingredients of pesticides which may be used in food and food-related areas. FSPID may be contacted in this regard.