Tamara Morrison with 1st runner-up Ian Ramhi (right) and 2nd runner-up Leroy Cherrington. Tenoreo Beharrie (not in picture) tied with Mr. Cherrington for 2nd runner-up. |
Ms. Tamara Morrison was voted the FSPID’s Employee of the Year for 2008 by fellow staff members and was presented with the award at the FSPID’s 50th Anniversary Gala Banquet on Thursday, December 4, 2008 at the Terra Nova All Suite Hotel.
Ms. Morrison has been the Senior Food Storage Scientist in the FSPID’s Training and Information Unit since January 2006 and spearheaded the FSPID’s 50th anniversary celebrations this year. She has impressed all with her organizational, motivational and leadership skills, her intelligence, her dedication to tasks at hand and her congeniality.
1. How has this year been for you?
Tamara Morrison.
I would have to use the word hectic. This is mainly because the division celebrated our 50th Anniversary with a series of events held throughout the year which involved a lot of planning. In 2008 we also embarked on a National Food Safety Compliance Programme for which we staged awareness programmes in four parishes across the island.
2. How do you compare working in the Entomology Unit to heading the Training and Information Unit (Ms. Morrison worked in the Entomology Unit from 1995-2005)?
TM: Working in the Entomology Unit involved more routine work and used more analytical skills. In the Training and Information Unit, I find myself engaged more in planning and public relations for the division.
3. What motivates you from day to day?
TM: Just knowing the importance of the work we do at the division and our contribution to national health and safety, by ensuring that wholesome food is available for all motivates me.
4. What is your work ethic?
TM: To get things done.
5. What would you say was your greatest challenge during the year?
TM: The greatest challenge was the staging of our Open Day. This involved getting various organisations on board as other companies and agencies were invited to set up exhibition booths on our grounds. We also had to generate enough public interest to ensure that during the day we had a constant stream of people coming in to visit. The day was a success and I am thankful to the entire staff and especially the planning committee for this.
6. How do you feel being voted the FSPID’s Employee of the Year for 2008?
TM: I was actually surprised but very happy that my co-workers voted for me.
7. Do you have any words of encouragement to other members of staff?
TM: I would just encourage other members of staff to continue working as a team because together we can accomplish anything. I know without their support I could not have accomplished what I have this past year.
8. What is your wish for FSPID?
TM: I wish that FSPID would get the recognition that we deserve as we carry out an important duty for our country.