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FSPID Complaint Form


The FSPID takes all complaints seriously, as we seek to ensure customer satisfaction. The FSPID will review all complaints carefully as these may be opportunities for improvement.

If you have a complaint, we encourage you to make it known to us in writing using the FSPID Complaint Form which you can download here. Fill out the form and email it to us at You may also register your complaint by fax ((876) 977-7515), letter (addressed to the Chief Food Storage Officer), telephone ((876) 977-6816-20) or in person (at our offices at 15-17 Gordon Town Road, Papine, Kingston 6).

Note that if the FSPID staff member receiving the complaint is also the subject of the complaint, the matter will be handed over to an FSPID senior officer in order for it to be addressed objectively.

The complaint information is recorded in Section A of the Complaint Form.

If complaints are recorded over the phone, the recording officer must obtain as much information (as outlined in Section A of the Complaint Form) that you are willing to give.

If you do not use the complaint form, your written complaint is affixed to the complaint form.

The FSPID Head of Unit/responsible officer or his/her designee will, where possible, acknowledge your complaint within two working days upon its receipt. At this time, you will be given a unique FSPID complaint reference number.

All attempts will be made to resolve complaints within ten working days. You will be notified of the progress of the investigations during this time.

Validation and investigation are conducted by (but are not limited to) reviewing records, contacting relevant persons, checking equipment/samples and site inspections.

After section B of the Complaint Form is completed, the form is sent to the FSPID quality manager or his/her designee, for verification.

The decision to be communicated to you will be made by someone who was not involved in the issue surrounding the complaint.

If you are not satisfied, the issue will be returned to the responsible person.

If you are still not satisfied after the FSPID has taken all reasonable and appropriate actions, you may contact the permanent secretary in the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce ((876) 968-7116), the Cabinet Office or the Office of the Public Defender.

You will be formally notified of the end of the complaint process.


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