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FSPID Complaint Form


An appeal is a request from a client for FSPID to reconsider all or part of the content of an inspection report or statutory notices issued. An appeal may include but is not limited to; an opposition to breaches cited; Notice(s) served; an extension of time for corrective action (s). The appeal shall be made in writing, by an authorized representative of the entity to the Chief Food Storage Inspector (CFSI).

The written submission should clearly state the content of the inspection report or notice to which the client is appealing; the serial number which appears on the Food Establishment Inspection Report Form; the notice number of any notice(s) that was/were served with; and any other relevant information. The appeal must be made within twenty one (21) days of date of inspection with regard to structural works or seven (7) days for all other matters.

An Appeal's Review Team will review any appeal that relates to notice (s) served and/or opposition to breaches cited, as soon as it is received. The team consists of the CFSI, the DFSO, one other member from the IDU, and an additional member of staff or other subject matter expert. If an assigned appeal review team member has a conflict of interest, that member will remove him/herself from the team and a new member will be assigned.

Within ten (10) working days of receiving the appeal, the Appeals Review Team will provide a response to the client in writing, of the outcome of the review. An appeal for any other inspection matter shall be dealt with accordingly by the CFSI. If however, an entity wishes to lodge an appeal as outlined in section 10 of the FSPI Act, the relevant court shall handle the matter. All records pertaining to the appeal process will be maintained in the Chief Food Storage Inspector's office.



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